Introducing Instagram for the Dammers

Instagram on iPhone

Screen shot of Instagram on iPhone.

The Chittenden Dammers now have an Instagram account, @chittenden_dammers but more importantly the hashtag #chittendendammers is connected to a new page on our website. This means that any photos posted on Instagram with that tag will also appear on our new page! It is easy to find. Just go to Photo Sharing on our main navigation bar. By the way, if you know Instagram and would like to volunteer to manage our Instagram account, send us an email.

If you aren’t familiar with Instagram, it is a photo sharing social media site designed for a smart phone app. You post photos and write a comment to go with the photo. That’s where hash tags can be entered, like #chittendendammers. If you find yourself posting a snowmobiling photo that you would like to load in our new page, you simply add #chittendendammers in the comment section.

I can hear someone asking what are hashtags? They are words or phrases without spaces proceeded by the pound sign and used to group posts. If you find a hashtag like #chittenden in Instagram and you click on it, the resulting page is as if you had searched for #chittenden and will show all other photos posted with #chittenden in the comments. It may be someone other than the author who comments and adds the hashtag. Since #chittenden is not specific it may show some photos from Chittenden county or the family name Chittenden or some other town in the world by the name Chittenden where someone used the hashtag. In your snowmobile postings you may add #snowmobile but it is so general there will be many tagged photos by that tag all over the world so you can see why we use #chittendendammers because it is quite specific to us.

Though built specify for smart phones, you can also view Instagram photos on any computer. There is a hitch though. Instagram doesn’t allow you to upload photos from your computer but by telling Instagram your computer is a mobile phone you still can. Read this article to learn how.