For a while now we have been having troubles posting to our Facebook page. A quick look at our page and it appears that we haven’t posted anything since December 21 but if you check our blog you know this is not true. Automatic postings from our blog are still making it to our Facebook page. Look in the column “Recent Posts by Others” and you will find them. Expand it out with the “see all” link and you will have found the trail reports. Our Webmaster, Cliff (that’s me) is named as the author of these posts but I can assure you I have not been on any snowmobile trails this year so would not know what shape they are in! Facebook must think I am the author of the posts because I set up the automatic posting to Facebook.
I just wanted to inform you that Facebook followers can still see the latest posts if they look in the right place. Rest assured the author of the posts is still Charlie even though they are labeled as if “Cliff” wrote them. We are working on the problem. Thanks for your patience.

Where to find auto posts on Facebook