Amy Carr


Author's posts

See you at 8:00am…

Good morning everyone.. looks like the bad weather is holding off. See you at the end of River rd at 8:00am

Trail work day Oct 16th 8:00am

Join us this Saturday October 16th 8:00am. Parking at the same spot end of River Rd. Bring atv, chain saws, loppers. All are welcome to come!!! Rain date will be following Saturday October 23rd.

Thank you Volunteers

Last Saturdays trail work was another successful day! We had 19 hardworking volunteers out on the trails with us. We really appreciate having that many folks turn out to help!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. Also volunteer work earns credit towards TMA discounts up to a free TMA and club membership!!! And a big THANK YOU goes out to …

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Trail work Day Saturday Oct 9th

we got rained out last weekend but looks like this weekend will be beautiful.☀️ There will be doughnuts 🍩 in the morning and lunch is also being provided! Saturday October 9th trail work will be on North Chittenden trails. 8:00 am. Parking at the end of River Rd. (past Bloodroot) If anyone has …

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Trail work cancelled for today 🌧

Looks like today is a wash out. We will meet next Saturday October 9th.