Author's posts
Apr 02 2020
April Club Meeting Canceled
Greetings Dammers, VAST put out a notice asking all clubs to cancel meetings. With the Governor’s stay at home order in place and out of concern for the health of our members, we have no choice other than to comply with these directives and cancel our April meeting.
I hope everyone is doing well and …
Mar 18 2020
Thank you Swiss Farm Inn & The Clear River Inn
Mar 10 2020
Come join us!
Just wanted to keep everyone in the loop. We have had a short but productive season and want to continue our support for all the local restaurants that support us. Although we won’t be able to snowmobile in we still plan on the following events.
This Friday March 13th Clear River Inn and Tavern 6pm
Mar 10 2020
Chittenden trails closed
Unfortunately this warm weather has made us close our trails down.
Jan 19 2020
Trail Conditions Update
Very low snow conditions with lots of ice. A lot of open water bars. Just not enough snow to fill them yet. Please use caution when riding.