Category: News

VAST iPhone App

I read about the VAST Trail app for the iPhone in the VAST News and have been wondering if anyone has been using it and how well it works. There appears to be multiple uses for it. In its simplest form it is a mobile trail map that can pinpoint your location on the app’s …

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New Grooming Photos!

Wow! Now that is some smooth trail! Some great shots have been added to our SmugMug gallery of photos. A big thanks to Heide for uploading these with our SmugMug uploader. Clicking the above photo will take you to the larger version on SmugMug where you will find other grooming and sled shots from 2014.

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First Guest Upload 2014!

Thank you Heide for being the first to upload a photo to our SmugMug gallery this year! The image above links to the full size image on SmugMug. Yes indeed, it looks like some great conditions when this shot was taken. There are more new 2014 shots on the Guest Uploads gallery. Check them out …

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Photos for 2014


Now that your driveway is clear you’ve been out enjoying the powder. Let’s see some pictures out on the trails. So far there are very few photos this year. Now that we have plenty of snow, please share some of your shots with other club members on our SmugMug site. Use our handy Uploader to …

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Troubles with Our Facebook Page

For a while now we have been having troubles posting to our Facebook page. A quick look at our page and it appears that we haven’t posted anything since December 21 but if you check our blog you know this is not true. Automatic postings from our blog are still making it to our Facebook …

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