Trail Report January 19,2020

For those that have called and others who are wondering.  The trails are open however the snow cover is marginal and early season /low snow conditions prevail. Cautious riding is possible.

If you choose to ride expect many water bars no base in some areas and a glare ice  under it in other sections . …

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Trail Conditions Update

Very low snow conditions with lots of ice. A lot of open water bars. Just not enough snow to fill them yet. Please use caution when riding.

First Annual Vermont State Snowmobile Festival

The Festival will be held at the Vermont State Fairgrounds in Rutland Vermont on Saturday February 15th from 10am – 2pm! Admission is FREE!

Come with your snowmobiles new or old to show and or ride!

Snowmobile Parade is at 12:30!

Large Trophies for all classes including Best in Show and People’s Choice will be …

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Website Update

Groomer at Mountain Top

Better Email Notifications

While we are waiting for snow, I thought I’d give you the good news that email notifications will now be more readable on your mobile phone. Also the author of the post will be listed in the email now that Amy has joined up with Charlie in posting to the blog.

Featured …

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Trail Report December 16,2019

Opening day has arrived and we are waiting for more snow before the trails can be opened. We had a good start that got rinsed away this past week. Look for some snow Tuesday with sustained cold temperatures and some up coming snow opportunities. Stay tuned the trails will be open ASAP. Think Snow.