Mendon Parking Lot and Trail Brush Hogged

Hello Dammers,

Here’s some pictures of Paul and Gwen out and about getting us prepped for the upcoming season. Paul brush hogged the Mendon Vast parking lot and trail . Thank you!!


fun fact- Since 1967, Vermont has maintained a network of more than 5,000 miles of winter snowmobile trails. This system, maintained by …

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Trail Work Day 10/14 8am

Hi Dammers


The club will be Meeting this Sat Oct 14th at 8am. Park at the hill climb at the base of Carmel. We will be brushing the road back towards Mt Top.


October Club Meeting 10/3 7pm

Hi Dammers,

Hope to see this Tuesday Oct 3rd at 7pm! We will have our October Club Meeting at Mountain Top Resort in the South Lobby. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Come early and grab some delicious food at the bar or make a reservation for dinner. Call 1-802-483-2311

Trail Work Day Saturday 9/30 8am

Hey Dammers,

Trail Work Day!

This Saturday September 30th. Meeting at Paul & Gwen’s house 8am. We need some strong hands to help. We will be loading and moving lumber up to trails. Hope to see you all there.

Trail Work Day Saturday 9/23 8am

First trail work day of the season!

We need some hands this Saturday September 23rd at 8:00am. We are planning on tearing apart Sam’s bridge and dragging some of the lumber over to the bridge that goes up to Middle rd. We will also be cutting and brushing along the trail as we go. Bring …

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