Author's posts
Feb 29 2012
Trail Report February 29,2012
Feb 25 2012
Trail Report February 26 2012
Chittenden has recieved some snow, it appears to be in the 6 to 8 ” range with more up high. Arlin groomed from the dam upto Carmel . He says the best we have had ( of course consider what we have not had this year). Anyways it is possible to do some limited …
Jan 24 2012
Trail Report January 24,2012
Frustrated ,Angry, Disappointing.These are a few words I can think of to describe this snowmobiling season, however it is a part of the sport so that is the way it is or I guess we should take up stamp collecting or tropical fish .Anyways the trails are back to slim base and riding is …
Jan 21 2012
Trail Report January 21,2012
Just got off the trail,the few inches of snow have really helped out. Still a thin firm but well frozen base with some fresh snow on top, plenty of cooling .Still waterbars but no mud just up and down but overall all things considered decent riding.Law enforcement is out so make sure you have …
Jan 20 2012