Category: News

Club Meeting February 5,2013

Club meeting Mountain Top Inn Tavern @7:00. Sorry for the late notice trying to hedge the season by not getting to wired up about the weather.

Posts Generate Links in Facebook Again

Maybe you never missed it, but Charlie’s posts were not duplicating in Facebook for a while but that has been corrected. There is still an issue with older Facebook duplicate posts not linking correctly to the original post in our blog but at least they route you to the blog with an error message. You …

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Year of 2012

Check out our web site stats for 2012. Never mind that it is called “Annual Report,” WordPress has outdone themselves with a report that is both entertaining and informative. By entertaining I mean one rocket for every post made in 2012 in a web fireworks display! Check it out if only to …

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Breakfast Ride Meet @ The Dam Parking Lot 8:30 AM

We are still hoping to get a group together and ride over to Pittsfield for breakfast at the World Famous Swiss Farm. We will have to play the weather by ear and see how the riding is. But at this point it is a go.  Save February 8th for the dinner ride to Snow Angels …

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Breakfast Ride Sunday Meet 8:30 AM @ The Dam Parking Lot

We are still hoping to get a group together and ride over to Pittsfield for breakfast at the World Famous Swiss Farm. We will have to play the weather by ear and see how the riding is. But at this point it is a go.  Save February 8th for the dinner ride to Snow Angels …

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