Category: Trail Report

Trail Report Update. January 27,2024

Just wanted to add a quick update to yesterdays report. The trails have held up quite well( better than anticipated) from the recent weather event,the snow is drying out nicely, however still some slushy areas that look like ice but are thick slush so beware. The water bars are draining as they are designed to …

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Trail Report January 26,2024

With the recent thaw and rain/ fog in the Chittenden area the trails have become slushy and wet with standing water and open water bars. While we have retained a decent base especially in the higher elevations the lower areas are not good, therefor we do not recommend riding until we get some consistently colder …

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Trail Report January 17,2024

After an over performing snow fall of 8 to 10 inches, cold temperatures  as well as  further work by Paul and the “Silver Bullet” groomer. The trails are showing considerable improvement. The trails are still under the caution flag as we are in early season conditions with water bars and other obstacles such as rocks. …

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Trail Report March 28,2023

The riding in Chittenden remains quite good for this time of year in  higher elevations. There has been a few inches of fresh snow that has helped the cause.  Late season conditions are quite good however use caution as the trails are shrinking and water bars are opening up so be aware. If you ride …

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Trail Report March 22,2023

The riding in Chittenden remains very good however the penetrating March sun is starting to show in exposed low elevation areas,also some icy corners are developing especially in low elevation areas. Riding is going to hang in  with the cooler temperatures and possibly a few inches of snow this weekend. We are officially in spring …

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