Category: Trail Report

Trail Report February 17,2023

Sorry to report the trails are now closed, hopefully we will reopen soon.

Trail Report February 11,2023

The Chittenden Dammers trails remain open under the “CAUTION” sign. Lots of ice low snow and other obstacles. We will see how it goes today and determine if closure is necessary for tomorrow. Ride cautiously if you go out.

Trail Report February 1,2023

After a busy weekend with lots of traffic Paul has begun to groom things out again. With the cold weather recently the water is setting up and the trails are in decent shape considering the lack of snow. There are still open water bars and other obstacles present so ride with caution. You will find …

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Trail Report January 27, 2023

Quite a few sleds enjoying the decent early season conditions in Chittenden today. Paul went up Mt Carmel and did a great job with the snow he had to work with smoothing out a few water bars . Overall decent riding all things considered, albeit rough in some sections with a few rocks etc which …

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Trail Report January 26, 2023

Last night’s storm  underperformed however it left us with some nice heavy sleet at lower elevations and about 5 ” in the higher areas, the higher you go the more snow. The trails are early season with some open water bars and other obstacles possible. Overall the riding is decent provided you use caution, on …

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