Category: Trail Report

Trail Report March 3 2012

  The sleet & freezing rain overnight actuially helped our cause a bit.Trail conditions remain good, the only bad thing is that our groomer has a small mechanical issue and will probably be down for the weekend. The Chittenden trails are ok bit mostly un groomed ,sorry $#%t happens. Pittsfield has been out and are …

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Trail Report March 1, 2012

   Chittenden recieved various amounts of snow depending how high( up) you are.lower elevations several inches and the peaks of Blood Root & Carmel about  eight inches to a foot. Riding should be decent for a few days especially in the higher elevations. Use caution as always.  Check out our facebook page too.

Trail Report February 29,2012

  I headed up to check it out ,definately rideable but more the conditions we like to see in mid December pretty nice in the higher elevations.A few inches will make it pretty decent. Catch it while you can.

Trail Report February 26 2012

   Chittenden has recieved some snow, it appears to be in the 6 to 8 ” range with more up high. Arlin groomed from the dam upto Carmel . He says the best we have had ( of course consider what we have not had this year). Anyways it is possible to do some limited …

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Trail Report January 24,2012

  Frustrated ,Angry, Disappointing.These are a few words I can think of to describe this snowmobiling season, however it is a part of the sport so that is the way it is or I guess we should take up stamp collecting or tropical fish .Anyways the trails are back to slim base and riding is …

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