Category: Trail Report

Trail Report January 2 2009

The cold snap has helped set up the water.Chittenden Dam over blood Root was pretty good (probably a better choice than over Mt Carmel) with Variable conditions. Stay away from Boiling springs reported tree down & pretty rough go left at the smokeing tree. The Pittsfield side is definately better riding just plain more snow …

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Trail Report January 1 2009

We had about 1 inch of snow yesterday not enough to make the riding decent.It is rideable with caution but not great .If you really need a fix go for it but don’t expect too much.A few inches of snow will put it back to ok riding.

December 28 2008

The trails have hung on to a good base,however riding is not recomended at this time with open water and exposed rocks etc.The forcast calls fora cool down and a few inches of snow mid week followed by a potential more significant snow event Friday into Saturday …. Time will tell.

Here Today Gone Tomorrow

The warm rains have taken a toll on the fresh snow.Still rideable if you enter up high like Upper Michigan rd in Pittsfield.Keep the faith the long term forcast looks decent.:)

Good Riding In Chittenden

We had quite a possie of riders out last night enjoying the generally excellent conditions.Still a need to watch for waterbars common early season. Merry Christmas !!