Category: Trail Report

Trail Report February 19,2017

Hope you all got a chance to ride this weekend, it has been awesome . There is plenty of snow however the warm temps have changed conditions considerably. We are now into spring type conditions, the  corners are getting a bit icy and off trail snow is quite dense . It is supposed to freeze …

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Trail Report February 13,2017

Sundays storm has left the Chittenden trail system with 8 to 12″of fresh snow depending where you are, really nice light to medium weight stuff perfect for riding in.  Most water bars are in better shape but a few do still exist under the powder. Enjoy the new snow ride safely and “Ride Smooth”.

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Trail Report February 9,2017

Chittenden has received about 5″ of new snow in most places as of 12:00 PM today.Paul & Gwen are out grooming and the riding overall is quite good dare I say the best of the season.Enjoy ride safely and “Ride Smooth”

Club Breakfast Ride Sunday February 12,2017 PLEASE NOTE CORRECTED DATE

We have a planned ride for Sunday February 12,2017 meet at the sand pit (Chitenden side of Mt Carmel) at 8:30 we’re heading to the Swiss Farm .If you are behind just head on over .Looks favourable weather wise, hope to see you there.



Trail Report February 4 ,2017

Lots of riders out last night enjoying the available riding.A couple more inches have improved things especially in the higher elevations.Watch out for water bars and a few stray rocks, the higher elevations are quite good and a bit sketchy in the lower areas. Enjoy what we have.!! Ride safely . And “Ride Smooth”.