Category: Trail Report

Trail Report February 9th 2013

The storm totals in the chittenden area in the higher elevations are about 12 ” which have made for some really good conditions in these areas with some scratchy riding down low especially where the wind has wiped it into the woods. Variable conditions but rideable using caution. Keep the sleds ready to ride …

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Trail Report February 8th 2013

Just headed up to see how the storm was going, kinda weak in the lower elevations as of 4:00 pm. However up in the higher areas and on the Pittsfield side about 5 ” has fallen.We decided to to head in due to the high winds. If you decide to ride do so cautiously, the …

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Some Good Stuff On The Way

Things are looking great for a Thursday / Friday Blizzard. Get your sleds filled up and ready to ride.

Dinner Ride Rescheduled For February 15

We have rescheduled the dinner ride for next Friday 7:00 reservation at Snow Angels in Mendon. We will meet at the Chittenden Dam parking lot at 6:00 and ride over to Snow Angels. This is a snow or no snow event, if conditions do not permit we will be driving there in cars and have …

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Trail Report February 5,2013

Keep your fingers crossed and pray  if you are so inclined. Thursday into Friday is looking promising for a moderate  snow fall of 4 to 6 “. Things still lining up but that amount of snow would make the riding in Chittenden pretty decent as we have a nice firm base still intact. Stay tuned…..