Category: Trail Report

Trail Report February 5,2013

Keep your fingers crossed and pray  if you are so inclined. Thursday into Friday is looking promising for a moderate  snow fall of 4 to 6 “. Things still lining up but that amount of snow would make the riding in Chittenden pretty decent as we have a nice firm base still intact. Stay tuned…..

Trail Report January 30 ,2013

Chinook winds have swooped down on the Chittenden area and softened up the excellent riding of the last few days. At this time we do not recommend riding as we hope to salvage what we can. Doug groomed the new 6″ snow fall two nights ago in hopes of continuing to build the base. I’ll …

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Trail Report January 26,2013

Just went out for a cruise, really pretty decent all things considered. With the super cold temps all the water bars have frozen over quite nicely about 1.5 inches of new snow on top of the hard pack really perked it up a bit. Pittsfield got a bit more new stuff. quite a few sledders …

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Trail Report January 18 2013

Just went out for a short ride to check out the conditions, on a 1 to 10  I’ll give it about a 3.9 . It is rideable if you take care and watch out for a rock here and there are however some areas  that arn’t bad ,it’s groomed flat .If you choose to ride …

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Trail Report January 16,2013

In case any of you were wondering how Chittenden made out after the thaw…. It could have been worse,there is still a fair amount of base that was left intact and add a few inches of heavy wet snow today, things are on the mend. We still need another significant snowfall to make it decent.